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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras bibendum ante at velit aliquet aliquet. Suspendisse nisl ante, aliquet ac fringilla ut, vestibulum in tortor. Pellentesque ornare ac nisl nec luctus. Pellentesque id felis at ante ullamcorper convallis. Fusce neque mauris, molestie vitae eros vel, faucibus sagittis sapien. Quisque pellentesque faucibus efficitur. Quisque varius, quam vel vehicula sodales, nisi ante elementum elit, commodo sodales dolor libero ac dolor. Suspendisse sit amet consequat urna. Integer a ipsum augue. Aenean faucibus aliquam dolor vitae congue. Ut aliquet ut ligula eget fermentum.

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If You or A Loved One Has Been Injured in a Car Accident, Call Edwards Kirby Today!


Types of Birth Injuries

Cerebral palsy is one of the most severe and recognizable consequences of delivery room negligence, but other permanent or life-threatening conditions can jeopardize either the infant or the mother.

Some other types of birth injuries include:

  • Uterine ruptures from negligent C-section procedures or ruptures of previous uterine scars; the fetus can suffer brain damage if protruding into the abdominal cavity.
  • Kernicterus, a type of brain damage caused by severe jaundice, which can occur if jaundice is not diagnosed or treated properly.
  • Cephalohematoma, or bleeding in the brain, caused by improper use of forceps on the head of a fetus in an instrument-assisted delivery.

Common Questions

What’s the difference between a birth defect and a birth injury?

Birth injuries, in the context of personal injury lawsuits, are injuries which occur during labor, delivery, or shortly after childbirth. Birth defects, however, are congenital, meaning they are present at birth.
If a mother or baby suffer injuries, their right to pursue legal action will depend on proving the injuries could and should have been prevented had medical professionals upheld their duty to meet the accepted standard of care.
A failure to meet this “duty of care” is negligence, and it can be grounds for legal action. By contrast, birth defects are typically caused by genetic mutations and unknown factors, rather than medical negligence. In some cases, families of children with birth defects may have grounds for claims against other liable parties, such as landowners or product manufactures responsible for toxic exposure, defective products, or unsafe medications.

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Mauris non sagittis leo. In eget viverra ipsum, eu sollicitudin diam. Etiam mollis est justo, quis suscipit ipsum fermentum vitae. Curabitur neque mauris, elementum vel ante quis, mollis elementum leo. Cras efficitur tortor eu massa consectetur accumsan. Pellentesque sed dolor facilisis, congue dui sed, vehicula dui. Donec molestie velit eget erat euismod, elementum porttitor eros condimentum.

Mauris non sagittis leo. In eget viverra ipsum, eu sollicitudin diam. Etiam mollis est justo, quis suscipit ipsum fermentum vitae. Curabitur neque mauris, elementum vel ante quis, mollis elementum leo. Cras efficitur tortor eu massa consectetur accumsan. Pellentesque sed dolor facilisis, congue dui sed, vehicula dui. Donec molestie velit eget erat euismod, elementum porttitor eros condimentum. Mauris non sagittis leo. In eget viverra ipsum, eu sollicitudin diam. Etiam mollis est justo, quis suscipit ipsum fermentum vitae. Curabitur neque mauris, elementum vel ante quis, mollis elementum leo. Cras efficitur tortor eu massa consectetur accumsan. Pellentesque sed dolor facilisis, congue dui sed, vehicula dui. Donec molestie velit eget erat euismod, elementum porttitor eros condimentum.

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