Mary Kathryn Kurth
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$5.25 Million
$5,250,000 settlement for backseat passenger of vehicle involved in a motor vehicle collision resulting in partial paralysis of the passenger.
$1.35 Million
1.35 Million Dollar Settlement for driver who struck parked tractor-trailer resulting in amputation of left arm.
$1.05 Million
Employee seriously injured after falling down an elevator shaft
$1.2 Million
Mother who was injured during childbirth
$1.5 Million
Child drowned in a pool with lifeguards on duty
$6 Million
Child suffers paralysis from an injury at a recreation center.
$9.450 Million
Tanker Truck Wreck
A company that was replacing highway reflectors on Interstate 95 has confidentially settled a lawsuit that alleged it had improperly allowed traffic to back up for more than 6 miles, resulting in a deadly tanker truck crash that killed an entire family.

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